Until today, I’ve been on the fence regarding the remodelling of Pacific Place Mall, which was completed in 2011. The one element that I have loved since the unveiling is the re-visioning of the bubble lifts at the heart of the mall. The innovative, curved glass panels repeat the soft forms evident throughout the design and make a striking focal point.

What didn’t appeal to me is the light wood railings and ceiling inserts, although I recognize that they helped lighten the feel of the space. These wood elements seem to have become darker over the last 18 months (it’s more likely that I’ve just become accustomed to the look) and I’ve long since stopped noticing them.
My appreciation of the design changed dramatically today when I really looked at the bubble lifts, from the second floor, for the first time.

This change in perspective, and catching sight of shoppers through the lift core, finally helped me appreciate the transparency and fluidity of the ‘new’ design by Heatherwick studio.
I would love to come back and make some long exposures of this space, to make the ‘flow’ of shoppers complement the flow of the space. Can anyone help me make that happen?